Recommended Internet browsers for the MLS

It is recommended that you access the MLS through Internet Explorer version 7 or higher.

Since the MLS is a complex Web application, and not just an informational Web site, other browsers such as AOL or Mozilla Firefox are not guaranteed to fully support its functionality. You may experience various issues, including problems logging on, if you access the MLS using a browser other than Internet Explorer.

If you are using a dial-up Internet connection, such as AOL or NetZero

  1. Connect to the Internet as you normally would. If the AOL or other browser window is open, minimize it.
  2. Open an Internet Explorer window. If you’re not sure how to open Internet Explorer, locate the small blue “e” icon. If you do not see one on your desktop, click the green “start” button (in the lower left corner of your screen) and look for “Internet Explorer” in your programs.
  3. Once Internet Explorer is open, enter your MLS web address in the address bar near the top of the window, and log on to the MLS.

If you are using a high-speed connection, such as cable modem or DSL

  1. Simply open an Internet Explorer window. If you’re not sure how to open Internet Explorer, locate the small blue “e” icon. If you do not see one on your desktop, click the green “start” button (in the lower left corner of your screen) and look for “Internet Explorer” in your programs.
  2. Once Internet Explorer is open, enter your MLS web address in the address bar near the top of the window, and log on to the MLS.

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